Originally Posted by OBW
In response to the question about Lee predicting a date, Tomes article does not indicate that. But it does indicate the year for the Second Coming. And since the first fruits rapture would have had to be s certain time before, there was a new scheme proposed when that time had clearly passed. The original was said to be in 1997. Now they are saying something like 2070.
It seems to me ... that is IIRC ... WL's prediction of the time of His return was based on a few prophecies, mainly in Revelation. The references were to "
42 months ... 1260 days ... and the time, times, and half a time." His point was that once we come to know the trigger point of these times, and the death and resuscitation of the Beast comes to mind, then we will probably know the year and month of His return, though not the exact "day or hour," in fulfillment of the Lord's own words.
Besides this I don't remember a prophecy of the exact year.