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Old 07-01-2012, 08:54 PM   #41
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: in Spirit & in Truth
Posts: 1,377
Default Re: LSM’s Contradictary Rapture Teaching

[ And here we gripe about the music. Or the liturgy. Or preaching style. Or the "control." I put this in quotes because I think that we call it control when we don't like it and then call it the leading of the spirit or the direction of scripture when we do.]
This made me chuckle, Mike. I have been trying to pay closer attention to the Spirit in me. And your comment reminded me of something that I experienced last month.

I was invited to a ladies luncheon. A woman from Houston was going to be the guest speaker. She basically shared her testimony of salvation and the hardships she endured from from a painful divorce and deep depression. The Lord has healed her wounds. To Him be the Glory and and Praise. It was very moving. The fellowship was fantastic!!

She returned today and again, I was invited to attend. I was pretty excited to go a few days back. By last night however, I asked myself why I wanted to go. To recreate the moment of a month ago? To have my ears tickled? If you are wondering why I made the comment, about ears being tickled, she gave me a word from the Lord, I believe. Without knowing I have been praying for my brothers salvation, she told me my family was surrendering their lives to Christ. That brought great joy to my spirit. But today I honestly had no unction to go.

I did not want to go simply because I had a wonderful time last month. So I chose not to go this time around.

[ I ve been challenged about over the last year or so. How do we balance the steady and unchanging truth of God with the constantly changing likes and ways of man and culture?]

Mike. The Word of God is the same. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. We keep the Full Armour of God on us at all times. We walk in Spirit and in Truth. We ask the Lord to anoint our words. To give us Wisdom that we may know how to answer and respond to every person. You are Blessed and Highly Favored as a son of the Most High God.

[The point is that generations are always a problem. How do we stand that the church seems to be "catering" to the 20/30 somethings? Or just the old-timers?]
In my experience, I most comfortable in one on one settings or small group settings (5 or less). Since I don't go to an organized church, I have complete liberty of not having to report to a church leader. Please know, I recognize those who have a strong anointing and respect their unction.
At the moment, I have been ministering to a 52 yr old married man, who is a childhood friend. We talk Monday-Friday over the phone. I am teaching and ministering to 3 siblings, a 13 yr old boy, a 12 yr old girl, and an 11 yr old girl. I started last summer with them.

I do not point them to 'church". I point them to Christ.

A few weeks ago, I had jury duty. OH!! OH!! OH!! 2 days before, I was lead to do a study between the Spirit of God and the spirit of man. So I wrote down a bunch of scriptures. I took my bible and notebook to the courthouse, anticipating a long day.

And it was ! About 11am, I engaged in a conversation with a woman over court cases. We were given a 2 hr lunch so we went to a nearby restaurant. We were chatting about life and I had NO INTENTION to talk about God.

When our lunch arrived at the table, I began to pray over our food silently to myself. I could feel her looking at me so as I looked up, I asked her if I could pray over our food. She enthusiastically encouraged me to do so. I asked the Lord Jesus to bless our food and to bless us with His Presence.Leave it to the Holy Spirit to arrange a time for spiritual mentoring!!!

She told me she had been sensing something was missing inside her!! How bout that??? Here I had with me a whole bunch of scriptures on the SPIRIT and the spirit. And as the powers that be would have it, I got called to actual jury. I only had a moment to encourage her to ask Jesus to come inside her spirit and be Lord and Savior of her life to which she said she would. Glory to God!!

This is what my life is like. Nothing planned for the most part.

Be encouraged. God is GOOD!

Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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