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Old 06-27-2012, 05:42 AM   #26
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Default Re: LSM’s Contradictary Rapture Teaching

I would have to say that they are a de facto denomination . . . even if you grant that their "name" is not a "name." The term "denomination" has a general meaning that Lee and his followers tweaked to such a great extent that they eliminated all but the name as the basis for being one. Argue away the name and you avoid the label.

But denominations are far more than a name. They mostly are a unified doctrinal statement. There is typically a hierarchy, but it is not so much to have leaders as to ensure that the doctrinal statement is maintained, taught, etc. And they really do care that people get teaching by people qualified to teach, not just whoever rises up and says "I'm your teacher."

And the LRC has plenty of the first part. They defend their doctrinal statement to the extreme of excommunication. If we assert that their excommunication is really no more than the declaration "you are no longer following and teaching our doctrinal statement, so do it elsewhere" then they are no different than virtually any other group.

As for the second part, they are still quite weak. They may be training their young ones in their ways, but they began with a "whoever rises up ans says . . . ." So they are already behind the eight ball in that regard. Their core is deficient.

But there was one thing said that I hope was meant to mock the LRC position on denominations. The LRC views denominations as insidious. But my view of most denominations generally sees stewards carefully protecting what they believe is the truth. And at some level, that is no different with the LRC. They are just too blind to see it.

But if the term "insidious" actually applies to any, it clearly applies to the LRC because they don't play well with others. While the various denominations admit to their differences of opinion, they generally don't go around belittling and mocking each other. In fact, they are very clear (mostly) that they are partners on a mission for God (and a higher one than was given to Jake and Elwood). I'm not sure that the LRC has hardly any such consideration.
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