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Old 06-25-2012, 06:26 PM   #25
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Renton, Washington
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Default Re: LSM’s Contradictary Rapture Teaching

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Have you considered the fact that the LSM churches, though they deny being a denomination, are to every intent and purpose, in fact, a denomination themselves? They claim their local churches don't have names, but every one of them, at least in the U.S., is incorporated under a name, albeit for tax purposes, with their respective state governments. And besides, just being called the 'Church in (blankety blank)' doesn't mean that that title isn't a name in and of itself...
A point I've mad on this forum from time to time. Without quoting what Witness Lee said, churches affiliated with Living Stream are every bit a denomination as the churches are affiliated with Southern Baptist Convention.
What about churches that don't have name as not needing nor wanting tax breaks?
What if you live in San Marcos, Ca and decide to register as "the Church in San Marcos"? There may be just 2-3 of you meeting in a home. However when LSM promoters decide they want to meet as the Church in San Marcos, they'll have to take a different name. Just as you said, "just being called the "Church in ____" doesn't mean that that title isn't a name in and of itself."
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