Originally Posted by Unregistered
Have you considered the fact that the LSM churches, though they deny being a denomination, are to every intent and purpose, in fact, a denomination themselves? They claim their local churches don't have names, but every one of them, at least in the U.S., is incorporated under a name, albeit for tax purposes, with their respective state governments. And besides, just being called the 'Church in (blankety blank)' doesn't mean that that title isn't a name in and of itself...
...just some thoughts that I've had...
Whether the LC's have an official name or not is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the discussion of whether they are an insidious denomination or not. Regarding their public claims of not having an official name, I like what one has said, "
tell me again about that church with no name suing in court over the rights to their name."
Over time, and after much study on my part, I became convinced that the dangers of the "
dreaded denominations" had far less to do with "official" names than it did with a ruling headquarters, which has robbed the numerous churches of the ability to follow their Lord directly.
I have personally witnessed interference from headquarters damaging evey church I have been a part of. Yes ... work leaders provided some ministry to the LC's, but for every two steps forward, there were three steps backward.