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Old 05-25-2012, 03:29 AM   #58
Paul Cox
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 181
Default Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....

A grave next to bruuuther Lee. The ultimate, "it is here that we've ended our search."
You are either building your own dream, or somebody else's dream. Witness Lee had a dream. It's the world-wide domination of his ministry. We were misled to believe we had seen "The Vision." Actually, we were the victims of a cruel bait and switch. We were given a glimpse of the vision, but we blinked and there it was before us - consuming us, Witness Lee's dream. And as if its not bad enough that many held this delusion to their dying breath, good ole LSM has found a way to fleece the dead.

Even in death what LSM has to offer isn't just presented as another option. Above board, full disclosure, presented as an option, I'd have no problem with the concept. "We want to make some money, and here is a nice place to let your elements rest." But no, even in death, what LSM has to offer is presented as the be all that ends all.
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