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Old 05-20-2012, 10:46 AM   #44
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Default Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....

Originally Posted by alwayslearning View Post
How finances in "the work" are handled and managed is another very effective way to exert control but...this post is too long already!
The not so subtle policy of the Recovery is that all the workers are "owned" by the ranking worker, whether that be WL or TC. It is the way churches are controlled. Full-timers have no say whatsoever as to where they live or where they serve. At a moment's notice, all full-timers were required to drop everything and drive to Cleveland for special "fellowship" with TC. And don't be late! This was a regular occurrence for all the full-timers.

Brothers like John Myer would practically move every year at the whim of TC. He lived in my town for a total of about 10 months. I remember one dear brother who was required by TC to relocate with his family to Cincy "for the Lord." As we were packing the moving truck, new orders came from Cleveland to move to Willby "for the Lord." The reason for their move was never concerning the Lord, and neither for their "perfecting." Rather the underlying reason for their move was to sever their ties with their home church and "reconnect" them to TC and his work.

Full-timers working under TC were often treated as dogs. They had so say as to where they would live. Without a moment's notice they could be publicly shamed for something they never did. Nor did they ever dare to speak up about the way they were being treated.

In fact, no one leaving the Recovery is ever sent off with prayers of blessing, as is regularly done in most Christian churches. Instead they have to slip away under cover of darkness. Here I am not at all exaggerating, there are far too many real stories.

Definitely the Recovery needs serious "financial reform." Each worker must be supported by his host church and be accountable to their local elders. These regional funds empower bad leaders. When an employee is mistreated, he can find another job. But what do the workers do? Some are stuck, really stuck!
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