Originally Posted by Ohio
alwayslearning, since you seem to understand the dynamics of the Recovery, I wanted to propose another idea for comment. In many regards TC was identical to WL, and it's difficult also not to see many similarities with the exclusive Brethren leaders of the 19th century. On the one hand the leaders -- whether WL or TC or JND -- were immensely talented men who needed to be in complete control, but it often seemed that another factor was at work. This factor made them bullies
I understand this is a "control freak" characteristic of the first order, but, based on all I have seen and heard it seems there is also an obsession with vain glory. They demand the glory of men, and refuse to share it with any peers. The whole world can despise them, and that doesn't bother them in the least, but inside their movement they alone must be "honored," and they would never share that honor with another.
I think you make an excellent observation and I agree that vain glory is a big factor at play. They want the central role and they want to be recognized and acknowledged as the central figure with "the flow" of the work starting from them and spreading out - to use Witness Lee's imagery.
But the confusing part for many was the pretense at humility that these figures put on. They were "just humble slaves of Christ" doing His work. Without this I think many would have more clarity about the nature of these kind of systems that are really a form of dictatorship.
BTW I read John's book and I liked his take on the idea that all elders in the Midwest are expected to go to a central location for elders conferences and also to shut down local meetings) so every one can go to larger conferences. His view that the elders should decide if they want to go to these conferences and whether they will even announce them is great! The assumption that all will go and the idea that someone or something is "off" if they don't is a form of subtle control. Not that the elders should keep those who hear about it from going but the idea that they are fully expected to blindly do the bidding of Titus Chu demonstrates how the LC system works. Of course Titus Chu would say something like (as would Witness Lee): "I don't force people to come to Cleveland for conferences. How can I do that? They are free man and woman to do what they want. I am not controlling." Fully realizing that he is using the elders as tools to do what he wants at the local level including the practice of shutting things done locally whenever there is a conference and the negative attitude towards all those who won't comply.
How finances in "the work" are handled and managed is another very effective way to exert control but...this post is too long already!