Originally Posted by OBW
I'm convinced that this kind of analysis is just as faulty as the "three persons with one essence" analysis. It looks at it form one angle.
Come on, OBW. Surely you didn't come to that conclusion in the short time since I posted this. Give yourself some time to ruminate before becoming dismissive.
And please speak for yourself about being "trapped in a mindset." I'm trying to get out of the trapped mindset. Forgive me for thinking outside the box.
Obviously, as you say, it's not this simple. Nothing about God is really "simple." But I've sneaking sensation this picture is more on track than most pictures we've tried to paint. Including the unhelpful "it's a mystery" picture. There are too many parallels.
Explain to my why the Spirit exists? What purpose does he serve in the Trinity itself? Why does the Bible say the Father and the Son love each other but never includes the Spirit in this relationship? Could it be because he is the relationship?
You really can't explain the point of the Trinity. There is either Lee's explanation, or this one or some other. But simply saying one-three doesn't tell us anything we don't already know.
A few other things about the picture I painted:
It is consistent with "the Son doing only what he sees the Father do."
It is consistent with "the Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son."
It tells me I'm more in the image of God than I thought I was.