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Old 05-15-2012, 12:56 PM   #32
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Default Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
It's hard to believe Benson said this because it is contrary to what WL said for years -- that the "age of spiritual giants is over" -- implying to all the faithful that he was the last one.

In which teaching also was the seed of the recent quarantines sown by WL into the Blendeds: If TC and DYL were perceived to be "spiritual giants" in certain segments of the recovery, then they must -- by definition -- have serious other problems with their ministry, since we all know ... that the "age of spiritual giants is over."
I wouldn't over-analyze this too much. Benson likely meant that since (according to him) people from the "Recovery" were so well-equipped with light and truth, any of them should have been able to walk out of the movement and with little effort become a leader and "giant" wherever he or she went. Since this that hasn't happened, it shows to him that the Lord removed the blessing from him or her, yada, yada.

Benson's error was in imagining that just because people were under Lee's ministry they are well-equipped. They are well-equipped....for being in the Recovery, but for little else. As we've all experienced, much of that equipping doesn't translate well because for the most part it's just an odd dialect of evangelical theology that loses something in the translation.
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