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Old 05-15-2012, 08:51 AM   #30
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Default Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
By definition there cannot be another "great spiritual person," since they have all been required to be WL tape-recorders. How can their program even be receptive to "gifts given by the Head?"
I think Ohio is onto something here.

If there can be no "great spiritual person" and that is the only thing you miss out on if you leave the LRC, then what benefit do you get for staying if you cannot be one there either?

Or are the ones now speaking this nonsense excluding themselves and they privately conclude that they are such persons? Do the ones who consider themselves the "blended" or "blending" brothers also consider themselves to be "great spiritual persons"? They surely don't consider anyone else in that category. And if someone would rise up and seem to be a pillar among them, then they must be knocked back down so that there is no such thing — and only those who are blending are special (among the living).
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel
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