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Old 05-15-2012, 06:08 AM   #29
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Default Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....

Originally Posted by Hope View Post
But again, may I inquire - I would like to know who are the "great spiritual persons" which are currently serving the Lord in the "Lord's Recovery?"

You all have been able to refer to several who have been excluded or left. But since Benson discounts all of these who are the wonderful saints he had in mind who remained loyal to the LSM etc?

By definition there cannot be another "great spiritual person," since they have all been required to be WL tape-recorders. How can their program even be receptive to "gifts given by the Head?"

They have become just the same as the Exclusive Brethren at the end of the 19th century. They were just a little faster to the draw -- while John Darby was still on his death bed the controlling Park Avenue Politburo in London began their extermination work. First to go was old Doctor Cronin for breaking bread. He was with the Brethren before even Darby was a Brethren. Next to go was the great teacher Wm Kelly, who personally compiled all of Darby's writings.

Spiritual men are the absolute biggest hindrance to decaying religious programs. Look what they did to the prophets in the Old Testament, Jesus Christ in the Gospels, and Stephen in the Acts.
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