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Old 05-13-2012, 05:27 PM   #25
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Durham, North Carolina
Posts: 313
Default Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
As I quote, "I know of no one who has left the Lord’s recovery and today is a great spiritual person on the earth." There are several questions to be asked.
1. How would Benson know if he doesn't maintain fellowship following their separation from Living Stream Ministry and it's fellowship of churches? Does Benson check to see how John Ingalls and Bill Mallon are doing spiritually? Does Benson visit Bill Freeman to see how he's doing spiritually? There are many other gifted brothers who have left the recovery, but you get my point. Fellowship is only relative to the ministry LSM publishes.
2. What is Benson's measuremenwhat makes a great spiritual person? I believe you almost have to say this implies being ambitious to be something. Many brothers who left did not have an ambition to be something. Only to be witnesses, to minister the Word, to teach the Word, and so on. For the sake of other resources please consider these websites:
I have not been on this site in any active way but may I ask another question regarding Benson's assertion. "Who are the great spiritual persons who are currently active in the LSM or the local churches associated with the LSM?"

It seems to me that whenever a brother is manifested with a special portion he is removed and labeled as doing "his own thing" or something like that. For example the five brothers from the early work in Taiwan, Stephen Kaughn, Christian Chin, Titus Chu etc.

In Christ,

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