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Old 08-11-2008, 01:33 AM   #65
Paul Miletus
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 106

Originally Posted by KSA View Post
You have to prove from the Word that this difference - Lucifer being angel and Adam being a man - is significant in our understanding of the fall. The fall is primary a corruption of will - both Lucifer and Adam had a free will, in this way they were no different.
We are talking about the writing of Nigel Tomes where he was contending that the local church and specifically Brother Witness Lee erred when he wrote that something was injected in man after the fall. This something has to do with the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil which signifies "sin", "death", even "Satan" himself that entered into man and corrupted him, whereby his body was transmuted into flesh, his soul was transmuted into self, and his spirit was deadened.

The book of Genesis chapter 3 is so vivid illustrating that the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil entered into man after man ate the fruit. Thus, "sin" or "death" reigned in man after the fall of man. The Old Testament are full of illustrations that cannot be found in the New Testament. The New Testament deals mostly with spiritual things which nobody can see them clearly except we go back to the Old Testament for us to see them accurately.

The point we are making is that whether Nigel Tomes had made a mistake in assessing the teachings of the local church or Brother Witness Lee. Discussing about Lucifer is a tangent in this subject. You must accept the reality that Lucifer does not have a "body" to be compared with "man". Therefore, you must go back to man's being having body, soul, and spirit to defend the writings of Nigel Tomes.

I can see clearly that Nigel Tomes lacks the understanding of the vast difference between "flesh" and "body". I can also perceive that he must have neglected the difference of the status or condition of man between "man's prior fall" and "man's after fall". Sorry to say, but this statement also applies to you.
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