Originally Posted by Paul Cox
There are very few places left where Local Church members can somehow be exposed to the truth about their organization, or where former Local Church members can find comfort and clarity. This site has served that purpose very well.
Very true! The LC thrives on information control. The internet in general takes this away from them but only if various forums including this one exist to openly discuss it's teachings, practices, history, etc. That's why the Politburo in Anaheim hates these forums and the internet in general.
Remember what Nigel did? He used the internet to send an email to all the coworkers. The Politburo went crazy and shut him out of the system. What did they do about Jim Moran when threatening to sue him didn't work? They bought his website and shut it down. But they can't control open forums like this one.
So OBW all I can say is if people like you stop participating in these forums they will lack solid content. If they lack solid content they will become hollow and irrelevant. If they become hollow and irrelevant they will become useless. If they become useless the Politburo will shout with glee because their deception and cover ups and outrageous claims can continue without refutation and exposure. If their deception, cover ups and outrageous claims can continue without refutation and exposure more people will be duped into joining or remaining in the LC system. So if don't want more people to be duped into joining or remaining in the LC keep posting!