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Old 05-05-2012, 05:11 PM   #5
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Default Re: Should I Stay or Shoul I Go?


I think this forum and the other have done a lot of good. The wrangling and wounded pride and putting up with aimless babbling and people who just don't get it have been a small price to pay to establish public information which gives people a chance to think outside the box of LRC brainwashing.

If one person's life has been made easier because of this forum, it's been worth it. That's the way I look at it. And since my life has been made easier, that's one, so it's been worth it.

I post because I enjoy doing it. It's not a struggle for me. It's enjoyable. If it has ceased being enjoyable to you, then, as Norman Vincent Peale said, there is something wrong with your approach.

But don't fret about it. Take a break. Or never come back. It's up to you. But be happy. God doesn't need our help.

I've very much enjoyed seeing your gifts and talents in action on this board and being used toward a good cause. But I would never expect you to take part in something that you didn't enjoy anymore; and I don't think God would either, because enjoyment is one way he confirms we are doing his will.

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