Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....
Oh I remember this well. Maybe it wasn't written down. But it was definitely mentioned. I remember it all. The hint of sickness, traffic accidents, never being satisfied in any other Christian gathering.
Looking back the whole thing seemed to be about control and quite a few other issues.
If you talked aloud with something that you felt was going on and it was wrong you always received a "Brother Get out of your mind and into your spirit" or "You are being toooo negative".
There was a very large amount of pressure to dress alike, talk alike and probably even walk alike(the last is a pun). The amount of pressure to follow what they said was the "lords Governance" is deplorable.
So so many things.
One in particular was their policy regarding dating.
I was actually told by an elder "Brother if you are attracted to a sister this is the one the Lord has picked for you".
That had a profound impact on my life. It resulted in a son - that I love very much . He is now 31. It also resulted in a divorce. Such a shame how people were controlled.
By those that would lord it over the Lords people and a great deal of peer pressure.
Thank goodness the Lord delivered me from that mess. My heart breaks for those stuck in the L.C..
May the Lord in His maginificant love and grace open the eyes of the brothers and sisters.
In closing
There is one more teaching I would like to point out.
I refer to it as follow you inner voices. However they called it "following the inner anointing"
"Brother you have to follow the inner anointing". Even to make simple decisions about buying clothing. I knew one poor sister that agonized over what pen the inner anointing was telling her to buy(or) not. If a brother or sister had any psychological issues this wrecked havoc with there well being and spiritual life. What an abomination that teaching was.
We are all fallen and by His sacrifice and resurrection,love,mercy and grace have we been called to salvation.
Come quickly Lord Jesus