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Old 05-02-2012, 08:24 AM   #11
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Default Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....

Another thing to realize is there is a psychological imperative to these kinds of things, too. In fact, that is the most important factor here.

If you really believe something, it tends to happen to you. If you have been programmed to believe life will be miserable when you leave the LRC, then it will be. It becomes self-fulfilling. The subconscious tends to work out what we've programmed it to believe. This can go as far as people creating "judgment" for themselves.

Believers in voodoo really believe that when the tribal witch doctor "points the bone" at them, they will die. And so it has been known to work. The power of belief can be that strong.

That's what these grave warnings from the LRC were. A bunch of voodoo.

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