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Old 04-30-2012, 05:26 PM   #5
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Default Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
As far as "inability to go on with the Lord", here's a real doozy from Mr. Benson Phillips:
“In any case, do not leave the Lord’s recovery. I can assure you that if you go away from the Lord’s recovery, you will have no way for the process of sanctification to go forward within you. Instead, you will just enter into a bankrupt situation. I know of no one who has left the Lord’s recovery and today is a great spiritual person on the earth. The sanctification process is carried out in the Lord’s recovery”
(The Ministry Magazine Vol. 8, No. 1 Page 189, first paragraph)
Lots of this stuff was edited out of the spoken ministry when published.

I was definitely held by fear of God's judgment based on all I was taught in the LC. Actually it was the departure of two well-respected brothers which released me from the bondage. I figured since God did not judge them, nor withdraw His presence, then the fear was not real.

After we left, most of us felt there was some "Toto" in our lives, which exposed the manipulating "Wizard" behind the curtain.
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