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Old 04-30-2012, 02:16 PM   #3
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Default Re: Leaving the LRC has consequences....

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
As far as "physical/health consequences", I doubt you are going to find anything in writing and furthermore, this kind of talk was more a phenomenon back in the 70s, so you will have to look to some us oldie-but-goodie dinosaurs to confirm this.
Unto is right. This was generally spoken in local meetings and maybe in regional conferences back when those were run mostly by the region rather than Anaheim (or LA before that).

And so many of the references to physical, health, or other non-spiritual issues was hemmed and hawed around. They would not assert that you would definitely get cancer and die. But they would speculate that it could have been the cause of some particular, unnamed brother from the early days getting some disease or being in a terrible accident.

Funny that it was never a reason to reconsider insiders who died in car accidents or from cancer. And there was a very dear brother in Arlington that died in a car crash many years ago. I would never suggest it was a spiritual statement about his condition with respect to Christ or the LRC.

But there was almost a hint of no surprise when the same was noted about Ransford in Ghana just two or three years back now. Since he had gone off with those who rejected the LSM edicts, it was not expected or declared to be so, but I could see the gears moving to classify it as evidence of the warning to stay in the LRC.

But I'm sure that the most you will find in the online LSM, if anything, will be a very nuanced hint at the possibility that there might be a slight chance of possibly . . .

You get the idea. It is not in writing. And Unto is right that even what those of us from much earlier days can tell you is vague and general. Nothing specific or definitive.
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