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Old 04-23-2012, 06:04 AM   #61
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Default Re: Four Areas where W. Lee was Flat Wrong

Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah View Post
At the very least this can be interpreted to be identical to what other denominations do.
ZNP, your post highlights the kind of doublespeak which has existed for decades at LSM. Ask a Blended, "who are the Blendeds?", and he will tell you, "those brothers who are being blended." Yet inside their little club of Blendeds, everyone knows full well who is the most blended, who is partially blended, and who is not blended at all.

Brothers in the GLA tried for years to get clarification on these issues. What do you mean to "all speak the same thing?" What does it mean that "all the churches must be identical?" I concluded long ago that these teachings, which seemed almost Biblical, actually were coded words which were used to control, manipulate, and intimidate the hearers. Long gone are the days when LC leaders look to the Lord for their flocks, what to teach and what to speak, what direction to lead. LSM has done that all for them.

On the surface, it would seem that LSM has created "book clubs" or fast food "franchises" with their unique brand of Christianity, but control has always been their goal. They insist that every LC must use HWFMR as their daily source book and content of all their sharing. LSM sows seeds of suspicion concerning any brother or LC that would elevate the Bible above their publications. Their adherents are willing to sue elders who dared to free them from this bondage, thinking that they do service to God.

LSM has long promoted a kind of mixed dialect. On the one hand, they have polished PR men who can speak to outsiders neutralizing their concerns about the LC's being different from the orthodoxy. On the other hand, they can use coded words to force members into complete submission or face the dangers of public shaming. They see no contradiction here. WL taught them that this dichotomy of dialect is perfectly "normal." Jesus called it hypocrisy.
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