Re: How has the LRC affected your view of "Babylon?"
So I glanced at the forum and this thread grabbed my attention. After scanning people's thoughts, it seems the question ought really be "how has the LRC affected your view of "degraded Christianity".
I think Lee claimed Babylon was the world and or Christianity. I honestly do not remember nor does it matter what he said about Babylon.
Babylon in the bible is the city in Iraq. Revelation speaks of "Mystery Babylon".
Walid Shoebat, a former Muslim from the Middle East insists Mystery Babylon is the city in Iraq. Babylon is Babylon is Babylon he says. I will not go into his explanation but it is interesting.
Clarence Larkin has a very interesting explanation which makes very good sense to me. He explains Mystery Babylon is the bride of Antichrist, a system composed of the religious, apostate church and the followers of all false religions. It stands to reason if Christ has a bride, antichrist, the counterfeit copycat will want a bride too right?
Larkin also explains that Paul calls the church a "Mystery" because the church was not known to the OT patriarchs and prophets. He also brought to light the city of Babylon was built on the Euphrates river, one of the rivers that flowed in the Garden of Eden. Both he and Walid make a compelling argument Satan is going to make or has made Babylon, Iraq his headquarters.
I appreciate their insights.
Oh. I have also read New York city is "mystery Babylon".
As for my thoughts and experiences in "Christianity", I have visited many a denomination, non-denomination and home group fellowships. Once I became Completely secure in my relationship with our Creator, I relaxed. I am far more comfortable and "real" outside an organized church or fellowship.
There are a lot of burned out believers who have stopped going to "church". There are also a lot of people who believe in God and want to get to know Him, do not want to go to "church".
And these are the people I like hanging out with. Seems to me that is what our Savior and Redeemer enjoyed doing too. :-). So I am following in His Footsteps.
However, many people on this forum are led by the Lord to fellowship in an organized church or home fellowship. I have no qualms. We are all ambassadors, vessels, instruments of God to be used by Him. If we are yielding to Him, His Peace and Blessings will envelop us. I do not like the organized church because if you do not like something the pastor is teaching, it is very hard to speak up without being blackballed.
The organized church by and large has turned into a big business machine. There is a lot of competition and division among them. I prefer the simplicity of the NT church life, especially the early, early church.
Well, I wrote more than I intended to.
May the Joy of the Lord and the Peace of God permeate each of your spirit, soul and every living cell in your mortal bodies.
Carol G
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)