Re: How has the LRC affected your view of "Babylon?"
BTW. You aren't the only one stuck on the parallel and ignoring the point. It was getting ridiculous trying to speak about my actual point but being constantly required to deal with autism. The ADLS comment was for the whole thing. This happens too often with or without you. And there are probably things that suck me in as well.
Yours was just the post that was there when the thought hit me.
And there is a good reason that I have tended to be more scarce around here lately. I guess that trying to talk about how we read scripture is just too much. Especially if there is a distraction in the form of an example, parallel, metaphor, etc., to suck everyone into an alternate universe.
I had hoped that the autism issue would just go away. And the meaningful discussion (with or without any comments on my post) would go on. Instead, we got a flurry of arguments about autism. And then cancer.
And every one of my responses tried to point away from the "parallel" (I will accept it as a poor parallel) and back to what I was trying to say. All to no avail. Yes, you did say a little about it. But you kept going on the autism, and the scientific method, and even a cancer cure. And misinterpreted almost everything I said.
As for the ADLS comment (which was not specifically to you) you must admit that we managed to start off to speak about one thing but got distracted by the shiny new controversy that had nothing to do with anything on this forum. The joke goes like this:
There is a new diagnosis that is beyond ADHD, it's ADLS. Attention Deficit . . . Look!! Shiny!!
And there we were flocked around something new and shiny — a controversy about autism. Many years earlier, we were all flocked around another "new and shiny" think called the "Local Churches." And this "apostle" who would eventually be the MOTA, God's Oracle, and even the acting God on earth.
You take entirely too much as personal attack. And if you think that there is no way I can say anything about one of your posts that is not in agreement and be anything but an antagonist or opponent who wants to insult you, then I guess one of us will just have to resign.
And I guess it will be me. You can have this mess.
I think . . . . I think I am . . . . therefore I am, I think — Edge
OR . . . . You may be right, I may be crazy — Joel