Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
Post #63 was your response to my post recommending the documentary Burzynski
which I said was about "a proven cancer cure".
You responded with insults:
And you would assert that changing the discussion from autism to cancer was "on point"? I was not saying anything about the veracity of the link provided. I was speaking to a post that was entirely wrapped-up in discussion that was not about how we read scripture. That entire post was about the FDA and science. It did not try to make a parallel or link back to the discussion.
My comment was not about you, but the subject of the post. You've spent almost all of your time talking about science and autism, and a little about the FDA and cancer cures.
It is a little like noting that Jesus used a metaphor and then speaking about nothing but the metaphor and not even a little about the thing it is intended to speak about.
It is not about you.