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Old 04-09-2012, 04:25 PM   #57
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Default Re: How has the LRC affected your view of "Babylon?"

Originally Posted by OBW View Post
Autism typically sets in at a certain age. It is also an age at which certain vaccinations are given. Besides the correlation, there has, as yet, been no causal link provided. But your child, or grandchild, is put somewhat at risk despite their own vaccinations due to the presence of those without vaccinations. It is an emotional thing to have that happen to your child. But it does not prove anything. If autism tended to set in at about one year of age, then someone might suggest that the fact that most learn to walk then is the cause of the autism. We would laugh at them for saying that. But there is no more evidence that vaccinations are a cause of autism than any other natural milestone occurring at that time. Only a presumption that it is so. And once you believe it, you believe it.
Your comment about walking and autism is laughable, since children have been walking since the dawn of time. What has changed, however, is the number of toxic vaccines injected into our children. As a child, I received only a few vaccines. Presently that number is up in the dozens.

Today we are aborting the unborn for health related issues which are discovered via testing. If autism cannot be detected before birth, then we will be forced to euthanize our children to avert an even bigger disaster.

Childhood illnesses are part of creation, enabling their immune systems to be strengthened naturally. All we are doing is swapping necessary childhood illnesses for far more serious adult illnesses like cancer.
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