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Old 08-09-2008, 10:17 AM   #68
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 22

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Arizona, I concurr. I would like to pose the question at what point does a name become contrary to practical oneness? One of the points I learned while meeting in the local churches is taking a name denominates a congregation, assembly etc. Isn't it possible for a particular assembly to have a name and still function in practical oneness?


Bro Terry - Greetings!

I have no reason to believe that there is nothing of Christ in a gathering of believers only because they sport a name. I am more guided by the word in Rev 3 regarding keeping the Lord's word and not denying His name as a general rule. Just exactly where any group in fact crosses that line and begins to deny His name I must leave to the One Who is the Head. I do believe that His judgement is manifested by His non-manifestation in any assembly which violates His word. I also think these two things, His word and His name, are closely connected.

I recently recommended to my daughter that she & her husband attend a local community church in their area where the pastor guy at least utilizes and expounds on scripture. I would not have made such a recommendation 20 yrs ago,, or even 10 yrs ago but I have come to believe that meeting with other genuine regenerated believers is more necessary than being without fellowship, isolated though perhaps doctrinally correct (maybe holding to my own religion!! .

I try to remember that W Nee ministered in his time, in a certain historical context, beginning 80 yrs ago. As I remember my own youth in the 1950's, christians were indeed divided to the uttermost by denominationalism. One was a Lutheran, or a Methodist, or Pentecostal or even Protestant, first and foremost. One had to "join" the denomination to be officially received into fellowship. Well, I agree with some others here that the times they are a changing. My concern today is for the genuine, regenerated, born again believer in Christ for I still see many that strike me as only cultural christians and among such there can be no manifestation of Christ in the assembly.

Much grace to you Terry

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