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Old 03-25-2012, 05:53 PM   #33
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Ohio
Posts: 33
Default Re: How has the LRC affected your view of "Babylon?"

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
"why was there so little blessing in the LC's?" We sued outsiders and quarantined insiders. We had effectively squashed every available means for the Lord to correct us. We had become like Jerusalem of old, "who kills the Prophets and stones those who are sent to her." We were no different than Laodicea, who claimed to have "all the riches of the ministry, and in need of nothing."

It’s interesting that you brought this point out Ohio, because I was just discussing this exact same thing with my wife the other day. I was telling my wife about my experience having coffee with the pastor of the church we’ve recently been attending. During the conversation w/ the pastor I told him of my experiences with the Lord recently and about some of my doctrinal views. To my surprise he didn’t express the slightest bit of suspicion; none, no wrinkling of the forehead, no raised eyebrow, no grimace, nothing. He was completely positive and receptive and I gotta say it was nice for a change.

I think of the locality that I used to attend and how suspicious they were of everyone and everything. That’s why there is no increase there. Thirty years, THIR-TY! And no increase, because they ran off the increase, they ran off all the help, all those who were sent to her, gone. How sad. I imagine it was the same kind of environment among the Brethren. May the Lord have mercy on us all and may we not fall victim to suspicious pride.
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