Originally Posted by SavedbyGrace
I did not condone any unrighteousness. If possible, quarantines should be avoided. But, in any organization, quarantines occur. Can you tell me of any church anywhere where you are sure there would be no quarantines?
As a practical activity, go to a church led by a pastor and preach daily that clergy laity is unbiblical. Else, go to a Brethren church and tell the members daily that unless the members speak in tongues, they do not have the spirit. I would be very surprised if a quarantine does not follow.
If you are expecting the local church to be the 'perfect' church, you will be disappointed. And, that is what seems to have happened.
SavedbyGrace, you keep trying to justify the use of quarantines by denominational leaders. The Bible, as in I Cor 5, spells out conditions for such action. But i am not talking about anything of the kind. Not one single person was quarantined for immoral or unrighteous activity (sin.) Each brother was quarantined by LSM leaders in order to silence them from exposing sin, immorality, and unrighteousness at LSM.
Is that too hard to understand? Why else would so many of us leave? I am not talking about minor matters here. I was in church responsibility for many years. I was involved in hundreds of sad cases of the believers failures. I am the last person to be disappointed by naive concepts of expected "perfection" in God's children. We are all a work in progress. But LSM operates under a horrible double standard.
Let me use a simple example here to make the situation "perfectly clear." What if I was a gifted, but abusive, leader whose son ran my ministry and got caught for molesting ministry employees. In order to protect my reputation and my ministry, I literally destroyed the reputations of all my assistants who threatened to go public with this information.
SavedbyGrace, w
hat would you think of me or my ministry?