Originally Posted by SpeakersCorner
Your implication is that something negative did get into us at the fall, correct? So if not Satan's nature, what was that? Am I reading you right?
This "something" would have to be transmittable via generation, that is, through birth. So it must be something physical. So what was this something? That is a thought worthy of pursuit, I believe. If not Satan's nature, as NT indicates, what is it?
Or was Lee right about Satan's injection into the human flesh?
God created the ToKoGaE in the midst of the garden, and forbade Adam to eat of it. The talking serpent (probably Lucifer) seduced Eve to eat of it.
The "big stretch" comes from the thought that once Eve ate of the fruit of ToKoGaE, then the seducer serpent somehow got into her. But the Bible doesn't say that, exactly. It is the fruit of the ToKoGaE that got into Eve, and then Adam, and reproduces sin in all mankind.