Originally Posted by SavedbyGrace
1. By definition, organizations are a group of like-minded people. When a person of a different views/opinions joins the organization, the peace is lost. So, it is better for the dissenter to go on his/her separate way.
1. Being like minded with the church is to be like minded with the apostle's teachings and is described by Paul as "having the mind of Christ".
So for example, JI was labeled as a "dissenter" because he stood up to PL. That action to my mind was being one with the apostles teaching. JS agreed, so did BM, so did Godfried, etc., etc. BP and RG felt that "this was a local matter". In other words, it was something under the jurisdiction of the local elders in Anaheim. One would have expected that they also would have stood with the decision of the elders based on this word. But they didn't. Had they been one with the apostle's teaching and like minded with JI, JS, BM, Godfried, etc., etc., then the dissenter, PL, would have had to go on his own way. Instead BP, RG, KR, and EM chose to be like minded with a sexual predator contrary to the apostles teaching.
2. The church is not only a "organization", it is by definition "the family of God". Families are composed of all those who are related by birth. Having "a different view or opinion" is not a justification to "go on his or her separate way". Rather it is better that the issue be resolved.
3. The church is also by definition "the bride of Christ". By definition therefore the church must submit to the will of Christ. Is it the will of Christ that a sexual predator should be apologized to and given free reign to bully the saints and churches? Isn't it the will of Christ that when a wolf enters the congregation that those who have been set up as leaders stand up to the wolf?