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Old 03-23-2012, 08:24 AM   #89
Join Date: Oct 2010
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Default Re: I love the local church

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Did you do that? Did BC agree to that? What happened?
BC was not at the lunch I was referring to. I spoke during a public meeting with several hundred saints. I sat on the back row, this way when I stood up I could see the entire congregation. I likened WL and PL to Eli and the sons of Eli. By standing up from the last row it also sent a message that everyone in the church was aware of this behavior, though I did cover my testimony with a very small fig leaf in case there were new ones or others that didn't have to know everything.

Shortly after that BC gathered the other two elders together and told me I had to move out of Dunton House. A few months later I learned a trap was being set to create a scene that could be used to excommunicate me. From that day on I met regularly with the group I now meet with and only went to LRC meetings irregularly. After about a year I stopped altogether, except for a few odd meetings for my children and the funeral.
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