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Old 03-22-2012, 07:28 PM   #77
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Default Re: pay no attention to the MOTA behind the curtain...

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
Well, this correlates to one of my basic beliefs about this whole situation which I stated earlier.

The whole problem with the LRC movement is the common saints need to speak out and tell the leadership what they believe.
For the most part, the only "commoners" whom I ever saw "speak their heart" out loud to LC leaders were the wives of the elders. Some of them just let their husbands have it. I was not an elder, but I "got it good" many, many times at home. One of the most common themes of such "dress downs" was the resistance to church programs which upset the sisters' households.

One of our young married sisters got to watch a Cleveland elder's wife explode in public when informed that elder-husband had just agreed to hospitality without consulting her. What a nasty scene to observe, and one which taught all the wrong lessons, but one that was descriptive of the movement, especially in those early years. She is a precious sister for sure, but unfortunately, that was the only way her voice was being heard. I don't condone the outburst, but I sure understand it.

Originally Posted by Igzy View Post
Well, this correlates to one of my basic beliefs about this whole situation which I stated earlier.

The whole problem with the LRC movement is the common saints need to speak out and tell the leadership what they believe.

If it is true what you say, that WL is just a footnote to most, then why are they letting a subgroup which believes he was the MOTA lead them around by the nose? Why are they allowing this subgroup to create this reputation for them of abuse, intolerance and exclusivity?
Because ... they are the leaders! ... and all the "abuse, intolerance and exclusivity" is spun in a different light.

This is why I have repeatedly differentiated the leaders from the common members.
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