Originally Posted by rayliotta
Even if you had "the high peak of the divine revelation", why would you label it like that? Witness Lee's favorite apostle Paul -- where did he refer to his own letters as the "kernel" of Scripture? Can you imagine Paul's response if some cheerleaders, you know, like the ones in Corinth, started using vocabulary like that?
When Paul said, don't call yourselves "of Paul", maybe he was winkin' and noddin' the whole time. Good job, cheerleader squad in Irving...er...Corinth. Keep up the good work! I wonder if some folks in the Recovery really believe that...
It's interesting, too, Ray. I was reading 1 Cor 3 again yesterday, and I realized that Paul's warning that some works would be burned was in the context of cheerleading a particular man.
Paul give his whole warning of works being burned and then ends the chapter with, "
So then, no more boasting about human leaders!" v. 21. (emphasis mine).
Surely this is indicating that one way to get your work burned is to do them in the context of elevating a particular leader!