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Old 03-21-2012, 06:33 AM   #64
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Default Re: I love the local church

Originally Posted by SavedbyGrace View Post
From the post above, I felt that your concern was that brothers working in LSM are often like despotic dictators lording it over churches and her leaders.

Since I do not know the brothers working at LSM, I do not have an opinion about them. You have an opinion about the brothers in LSM because you interacted with them or know people who interacted with them.

But, I never read the books published by LSM because the brothers working in LSM were more spiritual than me. I read the books because the books helped me enjoy the Lord. And, I would continue to refer to the books as long as I benefit from it.
(Balaam's donkey spoke to Balaam. Balaam could either listen to the donkey or tell the donkey that the donkey had not been the bestest of donkeys all these years.)
As long as you read other sources, you can read Lee. The danger, as far as your leaders are concerned, is if you do read other sources you'll start seeing that Lee made some big errors, and they don't want you to see that.

I honestly wish there was a way to get the good stuff Lee shared without the chaff, because I think he has some good things to offer.

The problem is when he slipped into chaff, it was really nasty chaff. Stuff like his movement being the only true move of God, only city churches (and only his) being true churches, implying that separation from him and his movement was rebellion against God, and so forth. Basically stuff that attempted to imprison believers in his movement. And you never knew when you were going to stumble upon it. This stuff has done a lot of damage, I can testify personally. Who is responsible for this damage? Who is accountable?

Ask yourself, what authorizes a man to claim his work is the only legitimate work of God on earth?!

And it's flat inexcusable. It's not just unfortunate, it's something that needs to be refuted and repented from. LSM and the BBs have yet to separate themselves from these type teachings. If they did, then perhaps they could begin the process putting Lee's ministry in proper perspective

Christian theologians aren't stupid. Many have read Lee's writings. If they really struck a chord with them eventually they would be rediscovered. But it hasn't happened yet because, I think, of the really questionable stuff that is mixed in. Lee basically attempted to invalidate any work other than his own. He believed everything flowed through him. It's hard to take someone like that seriously unless he's all you know, which is why the BBs want you to just know him.

I don't know of any true theologians who have come around to Lee.
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