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Old 03-16-2012, 11:30 AM   #20
Join Date: Mar 2012
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Default Re: I love the local church

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
However, maybe you are so far from Anaheim that the leading brothers in your local church have taken some liberties...if this is the case I think it is a very positive development. Without disclosing your location, please feel free to let us know about these "different practices" in your local church. I am genuinely interested to know.
Like I said in my first post, I am far from Anaheim and Taipei. And, from what I have read on the internet, I think not being close to Anaheim, location-wise is better. But, at the same time, I want to clarify that we do not have any 'different practices'. What we have is some leading brothers who are tolerant. It is fine even if you do not agree with every word by Br. Witness Lee, as long as you do not create divisions.

For instance, if you want to speak from your reading of the Bible, you are free to do so. But, most of the saints use the HWMR. Similarly, I know brothers who have not understood some of the teachings (like Jesus is the Father and he is also the Spirit) but can co-exist with me, who understands most of the writings of Brother Lee.

I love the local churches and almost all the writings. My major disagreement, if any, is regarding the practices.

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
I don't know what part of the world (or universe) you are in, but in the churches under the Living Stream Ministry, leading brothers are forbidden to lead their churches in teachings OR practices that are not in total alignment with the spoken and written ministry of Witness Lee. This mandate has apparently been extended to include the interpretations of Witness Lee via the Blended Brothers.
I believe being far from Anaheim helps. At the same time, I also know of local churches in my country where leading brothers are more intolerant than the leading brothers in my local church.
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