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Old 03-12-2012, 12:15 PM   #18
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Renton, Washington
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Default Re: I love the local church

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Why is it that no brother and no church can amiably part ways with LSM?

LSM is an absolutely closed "society" which answers to no one. They have zero accountability to member churches. How can LSM supposedly "serve" the churches yet these same churches have no say?
Hello Ohio. In response to your question which I wish readers of this forum to consider is the matter of grace. When a brother or sister ceases to meet with a locality, why cannot he or she be extended grace? I've brought before on this forum the community church where I've been meeting for the past year. A teaching brother/elder chose to leave. What I did not know until last week, is after every sermon he would affirm or critique the pastor's sermon to the pastor. So when this teaching brother choose to leave, I thought it was very telling in hindsight when the pastor called all the elders forward to pray for and give grace to this teaching brother in his last meeting with East Renton Community Church. By comparison the Church in Moses Lake parted ways with LSM in April 1986. Sometime after I had been meeting with the Church in Bellevue, I raised a question to one of the elders/deacons. What about Moses Lake. Paraphrased response given, they're a rebel church. Some response when visiting the Church in Spokane. Oh, Lord Jesus! What has our receiving been reduced to?
Ohio, time has proved LSM doesn't serve the churches, it's the churches that serve LSM. If LSM did serve the churches, what happened in the Great Lakes area would be a non-issue as the churches are local in administration. I think it's telling when a brother in their localities have been received. However when a blended brother speaks a word to the localities' elders about that brother, that changes everything. If you had the notion to press a question to a blended brother/co-worker, don't expect a response. There's accountability to no one.
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