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Old 03-11-2012, 09:11 AM   #13
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Default Re: I love the local church

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I made the last post because I could not find any positive thing about the local churches in this forum. Anyone who came to this forum would be influenced to avoid the local church, which I don't think is fair. Each local church is unique with only the teachings being common. The practices will be different and based on the leading brothers' understanding of the word. So, unless you taste and see each local church, you cannot know whether it is good.

As for the experiences some of you have had, it is unfortunate. But, since I am not part of the local churches you were in, I do not see any reason to hate local church in my locality. There are external influences but nothing that cannot be accepted and nothing that does not occur in other denominations. From my experiences, the local churches are similar to most denominations with an organisational set-up.
Good point.

I try to differentiate between the bad leaders in the Recovery and the many precious saints. Many local leaders have learned how to cultivate the local saints and keep the mandates from LSM at an arm's length. Unfortunately, I have been too often connected with too many brothers who understood God's high calling to be how absolutely one we were with ministry leaders.

Dear unregistered guest, I don't believe any of the posters here would question your experience inside your local church. Even on this thread I cited some positive things about the way we met in the Recovery. I have numerous posts over time appreciating the positive that I came away with. If nothing more, file away what you have read here on the forum as a warning for the next "storm" that blows through.

You said that you have been a part of the LC's for 10 years, so obviously you have heard about the recent and past quarantines of certain brothers once serving in the recovery. I can tell you, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that what you were told by LSM and your local leaders does not match what really happened.
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