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Old 03-10-2012, 12:50 PM   #31
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 95
Default Re: How has the LRC affected your view of "Babylon?"

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Man oh man, ToGodAlone, didn't think you'd get such boisterous and diverse response did ya? Of course, you've been around here a while now, so I guess you know how we ex members roll...we were so cooped up for so long without any outlet to express our opinions...well sometimes we just get a little aggressive with our newfound freedom. (even though some of us have been out for years, at least speaking for myself, we still don't handle prosperity very well)
Haha I assure you I actually did expect a diverse array of responses. I just wanted to see where people were coming from with regards to their views on mainstream Christianity.

So often I have seen current LRC members mistakenly think that they have something that everyone else does not (and Ohio touches on this in his post above rather nicely) and that everyone else is lacking. Even in members who don't want to think that the LRC is above any other church gathering end up having the sense of superiority ingrained into their minds and so while they can't seem to put their finger on what they actually think is wrong with "regular" Christianity, they still believe it to be lacking. If this view had somehow been retained throughout the years by ex-members, then I think that just goes to show how deep the LRC culture gets into you.

Personally I think it's a darn shame if an ex-LRC member can't eventually come to peace with the rest of Christianity because they think there's still something wrong with it. The church has its problems and it always will...but don't those always come from the people and not the system itself? Heck, the LRC system isn't full of superiority and condemnation on paper is it? It's how WL and LSM used and manipulated it that created those feelings. Now I'm not saying that everyone has to go and attend an Evangelical church or whatnot, do whatever the Lord moves you to, but as long as everyone accepts each other as part of the Body of Christ, we're all on the same team, no matter where we attend. That goes for those in the LRC as well (although I will admit this is hard for me to do at times).
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