Originally Posted by ToGodAlone
Another thing that I noticed was that you mentioned an Elder Brother. What do you mean by this? Was he just on the old side or was this a title representing something? Am I missing the point entirely on this (I very well could be)? It was just interesting that you singled out this Elder Brother from the rest if everyone was supposed to be on the same level.
I surmised that John was referring to Jesus, the Firstborn from the dead, thus the Elder Brother of us all. The capital letters gave it away.
"In the last of these days God has spoken to us through His Son..." (Heb 1:2). God is no longer speaking to us through some oracular mouthpiece, but rather today is speaking through His Son. Looking for intermediaries is a waste of time. The age of intermediaries is over.
Interesting that the LRC, with all of its decrying of the papal system, created a pretty good facsimile of its own.