Originally Posted by ToGodAlone
Might I inquire as to how?
I realize that there are many flaws with the application of the elder/pastoral/deacon/whatever else system, but I think that stems out of the human sinful nature moreso than the system itself. Fact of the matter is, some people when gifted with power abuse it.
As to how I experienced such a church that was a kind of utopia for me, I will relate it in a brief story: After I had been out of the Local Church for some period of time, I was invited to attend meetings being held in homes. It was frequented by mostly former Local Church members. My wife and I were favorably impressed and began to attend regularly on Sunday mornings.
Here’s how it was: We didn’t have a set form of meeting; we didn’t have an assigned speaker; we didn’t have any particular things we had to do. It embodied some of what I remembered having been told by Witness Lee about full participation by all the members but was never allowed to fully experience in Lee’s Recovery. We, in our small gathering, didn’t even mind periods of silence, if that was what happened.
When Jane and I hosted the meetings at our house, we often didn’t set up chairs. We usually began by eating and drinking (physical food and drink) and talking in small groups. At some point, we often gravitated to a room around whatever fellowship had materialized. We would continue meeting as a whole group, being free to leave it, as sometimes happened in order to attend to the needs of a member. We might or might not sing a song aloud; we might or might not pray aloud, etc. We did not lean on songs as crutches, as often happens. You know, now it’s the Lord’s Table meeting, so we sing songs until we’re hoarse.
My experience in those “no-human-leader” meetings was great; we depended on the One Leader, and He proved Himself to us. I learned that we could trust Him to lead the meetings. After experiencing a few of these meetings, I asked someone what they did about leadership. The very fact that I had to ask the question should help you to understand that no one stood out in that way. He replied something to this effect: “We decided at the outset that we would not have any recognized leaders. We determined to let the Holy Spirit have His way in our meetings.”
There you go; that’s it; end of story. A few Christians simply decided to fully recognize the authority of God during their meetings, which is quite scriptural but probably not often practiced; and, it was the best experience of my Christian life. I can’t help but think that God was well-pleased also.
As to outside the meetings, I can only say that no one took to themselves or was appointed to any position of leadership. The church managed to get along with just us regular brothers and sisters, along with our Elder Brother.