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Old 03-07-2012, 02:09 PM   #20
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 62
Default Re: How has the LRC affected your view of "Babylon?"

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Opps, I think I left out the most important part of your post (at least to you and me, not nessesarily to ToGodAlone)

I don’t doubt for a minute your experience here. But where did this get Watchman Nee? Where did it get Witness Lee? Where did it get us? If you were to ask me in 1975, I would have told you that I was experiencing a kind of spiritual and corporate utopia. I could have pointed you to all sorts of evidence – the love and fellowship among the brethren, the preaching and teaching of the Word, the oneness among the churches, and on and on. Where did it get us? What was the missing element? Why did it end up becoming what it has become? Just sayin.

A thing is not necessarily true because badly uttered, nor false because spoken magnificently.First by Augustine, then by UntoHim.

By your reply, it seems to me that you might have thought that I was referring to the Local Church, the so-called Lord’s Recovery. Whoa, if that's what you thought, I'm sorry that I gave you that impression.

First, I do not count my experience in the Local Church as a kind of utopia. I might have had such a thought at some point, especially during my early career there, when I was a new, young Christian. I was referring to my experience after the Local Church.

As to where did it get us (whether you are talking about before, during, or after the Local Church), that is “above my pay grade.” In other words, I do not know God’s design and where He wants to take each one of us as we journey with Him. I learned a lot in the “Lord’s Recovery,” both positive and negative, which my heavenly Father is using as He sees fit.
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