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Old 03-05-2012, 12:02 PM   #9
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Default Re: I love the local church

Welcome to the forum.

A couple of comments on your statements.

First, contrary to your implication, the word is not interpreted that well in the LC. There is some good and some bad. Some is really bad. The minister of the age stuff is off-the-charts bad. If you are getting all your Bible insight from Lee and Nee, you are getting a very distorted view of the truth.

Your statements about one man speaking in other churches versus many speaking in the LC is an example of the way things get twisted around in the minds of LCers. If many people are simply repeating one man's ministry, how many men are speaking? Just one. And if his speaking is getting so amplified while all other ministers are getting silenced then his speaking has more influence than is appropriate.

At least in other churches people are allowed, even encouraged, to get and share speaking directly from the Lord, even if in their large services there is only one speaker. I'll take the latter over the former any day.

Frankly, large meetings with public testimony are unwieldy. Most people understand that. They only worked in the LC because everyone knew not to contradict "THE MINISTRY," (plus the churches are relatively small.) So everyone effectively became Lee's personal megaphones. That's nothing to brag about.

Finally, if you are truly enjoying Christ then there will be fruit in your life. One major fruit is loving and receiving all believers. Claiming to be the one true move of God is contradictory to that fruit.
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