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Old 03-03-2012, 02:59 PM   #13
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: How has the LRC affected your view of "Babylon?"

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post

... There is solid evidence that the original apostles had originated a system (for lack of a better term) of choosing, training and mentoring young men for leadership in the churches. There were established requirements. It is my belief that none of the apostles just pulled these requirements out of a hat ...

Those who have advocated a church without official, trained and educated leadership are seeking a kind of utopia which has never existed in church history, and I suggest never will.

I am not sure if you mean that the "solid evidence" you claim exists were the lists of requirements in the Bible or if you are referring to some other evidence. Which is it? If the former, I don't think the lists support the idea of a leadership training system. If the latter, what is the evidence?

By the way, in the case of Matthias, they did pull his name out of a hat, so to speak: They drew lots. Since this was the first apostle that was not selected by Jesus, it may be significant.

I have experienced "a church without official, trained and educated leadership." It was a kind of utopia for me.
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