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Old 03-03-2012, 08:04 AM   #10
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 95
Default Re: How has the LRC affected your view of "Babylon?"

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Given the criticism the recovery has towards "pastoral" Christianity, have you as the ready considered the criticism non-recovery Christianity has towards the non-pastoral system. That being the danger is too great of a non-trained member of the body to speak in error.
Does the speaking supported by scripture?
Is the speaking used to edify or for personal gain?
I believe the purpose for having a pastoral position is to have a speaker who has been trained in studying the Bible speak God's message to the members of the church. This is not meaning that individual members cannot speak at all, but just that they cannot (or I suppose, rather, should not) in front of the whole congregation like the LRC chooses to because they might deviate (intentionally or not) from the Word. Individual prophesying takes place in smaller group settings where everyone has a chance to participate.

Having ordained teachers is mentioned in the Bible, if I recall correctly. If not, there at the very least is the mention of teaching/speaking being a spiritual gift given to a few people specifically for the purpose of guiding (ie sheparding/pastoring) the church.
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