Originally Posted by OBW
As for the problem with Christianity in general, it’s just not there. They don’t do a lot of things in the LRC way. So if you think that is the end-all of Christian worship and living, then they are deficient. But I don’t see it that way. While I attend a rather normal “Bible church,” I have come to appreciate a broad spectrum of other worship styles. There is something positive about any of them. There are advantages to larger churches and to smaller churches. Certain denominations are good at digging through the scripture. Others have that for those who want it, but are more focused in their worship. There is value in the old hymns and in the new choruses.
As for pastors, elders, etc., it takes something like rejecting portions of the New Testament as being the Word of God to reject them the way some have. Very much like Lee rejecting the epistle of James and relegating it to the status of warning sign for what not to do. I accept James over Lee any day of the week on any subject.
If meeting in the LSM brand of local churches is not an option there is value in visiting other assemblies in your locality. Do not be so naive to think just because Witness Lee called Christianity "Christless", that it is. "Just taste and see" if assemblies in your locality are deficient, superficial, or shallow. I haven't had that experience, just different. Probably the number one item to adjust to is one man speaking. Personally I find more value listening to a brother speak according to the Bible than to speak according to a ministry. In a ministry you can cherry pick scripture that best supports your ministry. When a brother is giving a message week after week going through a book of the Bible, there is less chance of a cherry-picked message.
Another point some may make is any assembly you meet with outside a LSM assembly, lacks in the high peak teaching. Quite possible. However I'd rather meet with an assembly that's rich in love and lacking in high peak teaching compared to one that's rich in high peak teaching and lacking in love.
The number item I think many have issues adjusting to is singing. You have usage of electric instruments over a piano or accoustic guitar. Okay, there are other Christian sects such as the Exclusive Brethren who don't use any instruments when singing hymns. Then we have the hymns. So much criticism over contemporary hymns. Those who criticize the hymns, are you paying more attention to the music or to the lyrics? Whether traditional or contemporary, they were God inspired and written at some point.
OBW, I agree with you on the epistle of James.