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Old 02-10-2012, 09:46 PM   #12
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Default Re: A New Book: Regarding the Ground of Oneness in Locality

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
I'm not sure about most ex-LCers, but as one of the young people who were melting down further up the cost in Berkeley, in retrospect, I know that the same fellow who spoke that "wise word on Ball Road" was the same fellow who caused the melt down in the first place. Witness Lee blamed it on everybody but himself - Max Rapaport...Sal name it. But Lee was the Leader of the movement. He got ALL the credit, so he gets ALL the blame. I know this will not be well received by those who still think the man walked on water, but...hey, the truth hurts.

I am going to be brutally honest here. I think our dear brother David Canfield is asking people to march forward and fall off the very same cliff that many of us fell off so many years ago. In the words of my brother Paul Cox...."David Canfield is trying to resuscitate a CPR dummy"...yeah...what he say.
That's right UntoHim. Nice to hear some brutal honesty for a change. This point needs to be repeated.

If nothing else, posts like this accurately portray the events of history. WL was responsible for all the storms which passed thru the Recovery, yet he took responsibility for none of them, and then blamed those closest to him for all the disastrous events which occurred while all the young, naive and trusting saints were like crash-test-dummies going over the cliff.
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