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Old 02-08-2012, 07:32 AM   #4
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Default Re: A New Book: Regarding the Ground of Oneness in Locality

David Canfield on page 8 says ...

Especially since the time of the Reformation, this testimony has gradually become clearer and more definite. The Moravians under Count Zinzendorf in the 1700s displayed a marvelous oneness in their living. Following them, the Brethren with John Darby in the 1800s saw a great deal concerning the Body of Christ, the assembly life, and the evils of denominationalism. Then in the 20th century the Lord used Watchman Nee and Witness Lee to further develop His recovery. Their work began in China with Brother Nee, and later spread over the whole earth through the ministry of Witness Lee.
This is just old rehash of biased "church history" which has prejudiced Canfield and others in the LRC. Yes, John Darby can provide exhaustive discourse on the "evils of denominationalism," but his own exclusive system introduced many new evils. Why doesn't Canfield read Brethren history for himself? He only regurgitates the contents from this site of former associate James Reetske in Chicago, who, btw, has "sold out" to LSM.

Exclusive Darby thought has pervaded the ministry of WL. You can see it in action by watching the "Diet of Whistler" video online. One cannot simply extract the "good" out of both Darby or Lee, without looking at the whole package. There are reasons why neither Darby nor Lee could successfully work together with peers. Unless their "co-workers" learned how to continually submit and placate them, their future within the program would contain a public shaming forum, a.k.a. a quarantine, similar to Luther's own Diet of Wurms. These are the ways of exclusive systems.

"Unless one learns from history, he is doomed to repeat it," as one sage has said. I would suggest dear brother David Canfield to read some Brethren history of a more "balanced" perspective. Here are a few ...

William Neatby, History of the Plymouth Brethren,

Peter Embley, Plymouth Brethren,

Henry Groves, Darbyism,

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