Originally Posted by YP0534
Look to me like you must actually enjoy that rather than hate it! 
Well....perhaps I'll start a thread if ONLY to show how my relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit has evolved.
It won't be to engage into a discussion......per sae. We'll see.
Btw. A couple of nights ago, my best friend & I were on the phone. She was telling me her niece was asking her about God & why there is Jesus & the Holy Spirit too. The girl was having her 12th birthday yesterday.
So the Holy Spirit truly prompted me to write her a 'book'..explaining who God is...what the role of the Father is..the Son..and the Holy Spirit. I wrote a child version explanation of the fall of man....nothing very deep but nonetheless..truthful. I explained the consequence of Adam & Eve disobeying God, their Father. I explained how we inherited sin & why there is soo much evil in the world. I wrote about God's Plan of Action to get us back in a Loving Relationship with Him. I explained the death & resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ...and how the Holy Spirit is the Voice of God & our Comforter.
Before giving it to the little girl, I had my friend read it & she strongly urged me to give it to her niece right away. So I gave the little girl my 'book' & she read it last night.
So maybe I'll post the 'story' I wrote....guided by the Holy Spirit.