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Old 02-04-2012, 09:58 AM   #110
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: The Local Church Lexicon — Common Phrases

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I ran into the same thing in the LSM interpretations of the Psalms, recently covered again in their semi-annual trainings. They literally bypass dozens of chapters of the Psalms, because those chapters don't fit the Lee's revelations. The excluded chapters were supposedly written by well-meaning but ignorant psalmists, and were left in the Bible merely to show us what not to do, and how not to think/act.

I'm serious. Go look at a Recovery version of the Bible, and read the footnotes. The chapters that line up with LSM "God's economy" get all the ink. Whole sections of multiple chapters are skipped because they can't reconcile them to Lee's "revelations" on "God's economy".

My estimate was that they covered about 1/4 to 1/3 of the Psalms. The rest they skipped, with a few disparaging remarks, because "it didn't fit."

So who doesn't fit well here, the Bible or the LSM?
I am not surpised. When the Isaiah training occurred a few years ago I was watchful for the same trend. Covering portions that are positive and affirming and neglecting portions that is troubling to the spirit and may even cause introspection. The point to realize is when content is covered in trainings, conferences, etc the goal is to tie the message in a nice bow that "reconciles" scripture to the ministry.
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