Originally Posted by Admin
LSM’s CONTRADICTARY RAPTURE TEACHING “We can figure out…the year of the rapture of the overcomers”—W. Lee
“We can even figure out the day of the rapture of the majority of the saints”—W. Lee
“Concerning that day & hour no one knows, not even the angels…nor the Son, but the Father only.” (Matt. 24:36)
“It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has set by His own authority” (Acts 1:7)
Many have made the claim that they have figured out the time of the rapture even though only the Father knows. When someone claims to know and says they have it figured out, then people who follow that person elevate that person high above everyone else as even angels... nor the Son know. "Concerning that day and hour no one knows". Why do they make a claim of knowing? Are they not trying to get people to follow them? Paul did not claim to know when but lived with expectation that it could be anytime soon. Lliving with the expectation as in M. E. Barber's view that every day the Lord may appear forces you to live each day and hour with the expectation that the Lord may come. By seeking to determine when, are you not trying to live for yourself for as many days and hours as you can and then at the last minute say Oh Lord Jesus here I am. Some virgins didn't have oil.
.........and the door was shut
Without the oil the door gets shut.
Witness Lee claimed he knew the day? Mathew 25:13
13 Watch therefore, for you do not know the
bday nor the hour.
Could it be possible that we were acting like foolish virgins and didn't have enough oil to keep our lamp lit?
If you are still holding onto Witness Lee believing that he could figure out the day even though the truth is no one knows that, consider if you are hiding your lamp under the bed.
Luke 8:16
16 Now
ano one who has
lit a
1blamp covers it with a vessel or puts
it underneath a bed, but he puts
it on a
lampstand in order that those who come in may see the light.

By being exclusive to LSM are you covering your lamp with a vessel (LSM) or under the bed (LSM) as you have been considering LSM to be "The Lampstand".
Were we drowsey and sleepy with our lamps under our bed?
When you hear the cry. "Behold, the Bridegroom is here" are you going to be asking for someone to share their oil with you and then running around looking for a merchant?
Wake up! Get prudent Get out of bed. Get your lamp. Fill it with oil. Then when you hear "Behold the Bridegroom is here" you will be worthy for the wedding feast.